Just Be Nice!

It’s almost the 4th of July. The day America celebrates freedom. They say that this country was founded on integrity, morals and the constitution. Here’s the thing with that, it was a really long time ago and it’s history. The good, the bad, the ugly of it, all in the past. Not one person here today lived then. Not one person here today knows what actually happened. If you read social media you would think that a whole lot of people traveled back in time and they were right there, because they sure think they know what they’re talking about. But they don’t. Nobody alive today knows.

I’m a patriotic American girl. Born and raised a military brat and I am proud of that. I’m thankful I grew up here. But guess what, stuff changes. History is great. One of my favorite subjects. But history is the past and we have to live and deal with the present.

The country we only know through history, the country we know from our childhood and the country we live in now, are all vastly different.

Right now things in our country are not so great. I don’t care if you are following the donkey or the elephant but I can guarantee one thing, they are all leading you through their crap.

We the people MUST stop listening to the media, crazy politicians and other groups that are seeking to divide this country. Start talking to each other again and actually hearing what each other is saying. Stop following the Facebook lynch mobs and really find out the truth behind the smoke and screens. Start thinking for yourself. Nothing is ever as it seems.

It’s time to bring back love and empathy for each other and accept that we can agree to disagree. It’s alright to differ. Because united we will stand, divided we will fall.

On this 4th of July we have to get our acts together. Just be nice! It’s not that hard. If we don’t get the United back in the States of America, we may see our last Independence Day sooner than we know.

1 Comment

  1. Heather

    WELL DONE! A GREAT WRITING!! May The Lord please help us all to heed it, not just read it.

    Sent from my iPhone
